Welcome Friends!
We know that gardening can be a lot of work and not everyone has the time to maintain a community garden bed.
But that doesn't mean you can't be a part of the community garden.
Friends of the Garden is for people who want to participate in garden events, like our Spring Kick Off, help with communal beds or food bank beds. Our Friends are people who are passionate about the environment, want to meet their neighbours and be connected to the community in which they live.
But that doesn't mean you can't be a part of the community garden.
Friends of the Garden is for people who want to participate in garden events, like our Spring Kick Off, help with communal beds or food bank beds. Our Friends are people who are passionate about the environment, want to meet their neighbours and be connected to the community in which they live.
How can Friends be involved in the Garden?
- Help maintain communal & food bank beds: This can be weeding, watering, planting, harvesting, etc.
- Be a member of the garden community: Come to events, meet the other gardeners, learn from and share your experience with others.
- Help water beds when gardeners are away.
- Help with shared chores: Mowing, weed whacking, composting, etc.
- Join the Garden Committee! We are looking for all types of people with all types of experience in gardening, from novice to expert. All we ask is you bring your passion for community building.
How to Join the Friends:
Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by the garden during the growing season to say hi!
We can be usually found in the garden on Weeding Wednesdays
We can be usually found in the garden on Weeding Wednesdays